
What is Forum Sim Brother?

Forum Sim Brother is a forum game which bases itself on the television show 'Big Brother'. The name of the show comes from the Sim Media's SimTV show 'Sim Brother'. Sim Brother is based on Big Brother. To give the show a different name from the SimTV show, we placed the word Forum at the beginning.

The game itself follows the same format as the TV show - housemates 'live' in the forum by talking amongst each other. Each week they must nominate two of their fellow housemates for eviction. The two or more housemates with the most votes then face eviction via a poll. The housemate with the most votes is then evicted on the nearest Friday.

The housemates also have to deal with tasks to keep themselves occupied. Forum Sim Brother is also known to through twists into the game as well to shake things up!

We've given you a basic run down of events here, if you have any other questions or queries you can either email us at or go to the forums.